UK Terrorism Threat advice from the SIA

Posted on: November 20, 2015

In response to the recent events in Paris, we want to reinforce the key messages of the Government’s Prevent strategy and emphasise the importance of vigilance and of reporting any concerns to the anti-terrorist hotline. The current UK threat level for international terrorism is SEVERE. This means that a terrorist attack is highly likely.

Axis Security team awarded Silver Fox Certificate 2014-15

Posted on: October 7, 2015

The prestigious Silver Fox 2014-15 Certificate was presented to the Axis Security team contracted to 55 Bishopsgate by Lynda Moore, of FM Contract Watch, on 6th October 2015.

Moor House Security Officers receive Silver Fox Awards

Posted on:

The Silver Fox Audit team are contracted by the Moor House Management Company to carry out a series of unannounced audits to test the service provided by the contract security team supplied by Ultimate Security.

FM Contract Watch – August Newsletter

Posted on: August 4, 2015

FM Contract Watch offers a variety of support services to the security guarding industry and this edition of our newsletter includes:

Independent Audits – The Safe Way Forward

Posted on: June 24, 2015

It is dangerous in any building not to regularly test fire and evacuation procedures. When a real emergency occurs and procedures are found wanting then, quite simply, heads will roll and insurers will think long and hard before necessarily agreeing to cover losses. So why should contract security be any different? If we don’t regularly test it, then it will almost certainly be found wanting when asked to stand up and be counted.