Moor House Security Officers receive Silver Fox Awards

Posted on: October 7, 2015

The Silver Fox Audit team are contracted by the Moor House Management Company to carry out a series of unannounced audits to test the service provided by the contract security team supplied by Ultimate Security.

FM Contract Watch – August Newsletter

Posted on: August 4, 2015

FM Contract Watch offers a variety of support services to the security guarding industry and this edition of our newsletter includes:

Independent Audits – The Safe Way Forward

Posted on: June 24, 2015

It is dangerous in any building not to regularly test fire and evacuation procedures. When a real emergency occurs and procedures are found wanting then, quite simply, heads will roll and insurers will think long and hard before necessarily agreeing to cover losses. So why should contract security be any different? If we don’t regularly test it, then it will almost certainly be found wanting when asked to stand up and be counted.

What Makes the Silver Fox Audit Unique?

Posted on: March 24, 2015

The Silver Fox audit has been available to both contractors and end-users of security for over 10 years and, yet, it is still viewed by many on both sides of the contract manned guarding industry as being just too difficult. Many also feel that the audit could embarrass them; expose the inadequacies of their operation; leave them vulnerable to the wrath of a client who, rightly, expects more from their security provider. And yet – unless you regularly and independently test your manned security service, how will you be able to gauge whether or not it is really fit for purpose?

Police Stations using Silver Fox copycat methods to improve their own security

Posted on: March 11, 2015

The Daily Mail reported last Saturday (7th March 2010) that Police Stations, recognised by the Police themselves as being comparatively easy to break and enter into, have been using Undercover Officers, pretending to be burglars, to test their security at all hours of the day and night.